Winnipeg core courses and electives
First year Core Courses
[These classes are a part of everyone’s Millar education in their first year. If you choose to attend Millar for one year and meet your course requirements, you will earn a Christian Ministry Certificate.]
This course provides an introduction to the 66 books of the Bible with a focus on the major themes, basic content, and contribution of each book to the whole of Scripture.
This course covers the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) with an emphasis on their major events and themes, including Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
Genesis and Exodus are studied with a view toward comprehending how they are foundational in understanding the themes and hermeneutics of the entire Scriptures and how they may be applied to daily life.
Leviticus through Deuteronomy are studied with a view toward comprehending how they are foundational in understanding the themes and hermeneutics of the entire Scriptures and how they may be applied to daily life.
Through an examination of the history and theology of both Acts and Galatians, this course focuses on the birth, development, and global impact of the Christian church under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
This course introduces the subject of theology and examines the biblical teaching of the authority, nature, inspiration, and canonicity of Scripture as well as a special focus on the highest point of revelation: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Theology II deals with the doctrines of God (Theology Proper), Christ (Christology), and the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology). It will examine these doctrines from the perspective of systematic and historical theology.
This course focuses on developing habits that mark the changed life of a follower of Jesus. It addresses topics such as the believer’s prayer life, devotional life, confession, fitness, finances, entertainment, and vocation.
This course focuses on written and oral communication skills. Instruction and practice are provided, equipping the student to research and write a theology paper. A variety of oral communication skills are taught for the purpose of best representing Christ.
Second Year Core Courses
[These classes are a part of everyone’s Millar education in their second year. If you choose to attend Millar for two years and meet your course requirements, you will earn a Christian Ministry Diploma.]
The Gospel and letters of John are explored with a focus on the deity of Christ and the signs and discourses that support that key theme, as well as instruction related to the Christian life.
This course deals with the history of Israel from the time of its entrance into the land through to their restoration from Babylonian Captivity. It will cover the books of Joshua through Esther.
The Book of Isaiah is studied with a consideration of its historical setting, as well as its theological importance, particularly that which relates to the first and second coming of Christ and the future of the nation of Israel.
The epistle to the Romans is studied in detail. The student is encouraged to master the teaching regarding justification and sanctification, Paul’s explanation of the relation of this age to God’s program for Israel, and his practical instruction for daily Christian living.
These letters of Paul are examined with consideration of the great doctrines of the faith and the practical issues of life in the Body of Christ.
This course covers church history from the first century through to the end of the Medieval period and into the early beginnings of the Reformation period.
This course examines the truth of the Gospel claims with the goal of responding to contemporary ethical issues and secular questions of faith, truth, and absolutism.
Courses you choose that suit your God-given interests and passions.
This course provides an introduction to New Testament Greek with emphasis on reading and pronunciation. Every word used more than 30 times in the New Testament will be memorized.
This course will solidify the student’s understanding of Greek grammar and help establish confidence in reading the Greek New Testament. Prerequisite: B1154 Biblical Greek I: Grammar.
This course examines the common but critical issues facing missions and missionaries. These issues may include the affluence of the western church, short-term missions teams, and the challenges of contemporary cross-cultural evangelism.
This course will introduce the student to the biblical, theological, and practical applications of the mission of God in an urban context. Attention will be given to how the gospel intersects the strategic design and application of ministry in global urban cities.
This course focuses on the necessity and responsibility we have to missions worldwide by exploring how to be effective in cross-cultural missions and experiencing ministry in a cross-cultural setting.
This course provides an opportunity to establish a scriptural framework for understanding and applying counselling theories and skills into everyday ministry.
This course will explore what the Bible teaches us about God’s desire that the world be reached with the Good News about Jesus Christ and how we as individual believers can be part of that process, as witnesses, in sharing that Good News to those we come in contact with.
This course will introduce you to the foundational principles of Christian education with specific attention given to principles required for effective Bible teaching.