Integral Model of Education
The goal of Millar’s Integral Model of Education is that the ‘whole student’ would be moved to deeper maturity in Jesus and that no essentials of that development and education would be lacking. Most post-secondary institutions focus primarily on academics. The knowledge piece is critical in Millar’s approach to education but it is not the only focus. Our desire is that our students would love Jesus more and serve Him more effectively as their whole life is impacted because of their time at Millar.
essential to completeness, lacking nothing essential
We believe that genuine life change begins when we personally encounter the God of the Bible. God has given us His Word, the Bible, to reveal Himself to us. Our students are immersed in the study of the Bible, Theology, and Ministry Methods so that they are grounded and equipped in their faith.
It is of little value if our students know a lot of the Bible or have great theology but aren’t experiencing a continuous inner change in their life. We intentionally engage with each student on campus in order to encourage them to allow the Spirit of God to develop the character of Jesus in them.
Understanding the significance that Jesus should make in our everyday setting is critical. Our students are pushed to daily live out their faith in practical ways. A good work ethic, joyful attitudes, and the integration of the Scriptures into their present context are some of the areas of focus.
Our love for those around us will be proportionate to our love for Jesus. We encourage our students to establish and nurture healthy relationships with those around them, relationships that will bring great glory to God. Living in community on campus is a great place to be shaped and molded in relationships.

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