undergraduate Programs
pambrun, Sunnybrae, and Winnipeg
Christian ministry certificate
Millar’s Christian Ministry Certificate is offered to those students who attend one year of Bible College. The emphasis is on a study of the Bible and its application to contemporary life. The program prepares you to make decisions from a biblical perspective.
Throughout the course of the Christian Ministry Certificate, you will:
gain an introduction to a wide range of biblical and theological studies.
develop an understanding of the structure and major themes of the Bible.
learn the basic skills of how to study and interpret the Bible.
grow in your ability to speak and express yourself in public.
begin to develop ministry skills that will help you serve more effectively in the local church.
In order to receive the Christian Ministry Certificate, you must:
successfully complete the first year of the core course schedule (32 academic credits) with a GPA of 1.5 or higher
Christian ministry diploma
The Christian Ministry Diploma program is designed to prepare you to be an effective contributor in the local church and community. The identification and development of ministry skills assist you in determining the role and sphere in which the Lord would have you serve.
Throughout the course of the diploma in Christian Ministry, you will:
demonstrate an ability to study, apply, and communicate biblical truth to the varied circumstances of life.
deepen your knowledge of the Bible and the theological foundations of your faith.
explore the truths and principles related to personal spiritual growth.
develop a broader understanding of God’s plan for ministry around the world.
gain exposure to more specialized areas of study through elective courses.
have opportunity to strengthen your ministry and communication skills.
In order to receive the Christian Ministry Diploma, you must:
successfully complete the first and second years of the core course schedule (64 academic credits) with an AGPA of at least 2.0.
bachelor of biblical Studies
This program will provide you with the background and skills necessary to effectively minister in a broad area of Christian outreach. The focus is on the detailed study of Scripture, theology, and ministry development.
Throughout the course of the Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree, you will:
demonstrate an ability to study, apply, and communicate biblical truth to the varied circumstances of life.
build a solid foundation of biblical and theological understanding.
grow more deeply in the truths and principles of personal spiritual growth.
gain exposure to more specialized areas of study that build upon the core program.
In order to receive the Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree, you must:
successfully complete the three years of the core schedule with an AGPA of at least 2.5.
successfully complete one evangelism, one missions, one homiletics, and one teaching course over the years
of study.successfully complete a comprehensive examination taken in the final year of the program (students who are unsuccessful at the written portion of this exam will receive the Diploma of Biblical Studies).
Students with an AGPA between 2.0 and 2.5 will receive the Diploma of Biblical Studies. A student with an AGPA below 2.0 who has demonstrated growth and Christ-like character over three years at the college will receive a Certificate of Biblical Studies.
bachelor of arts in biblical studies
Millar’s Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies program emphasizes the integration of academic and practical, classroom study and ministry experience. We alternate formal instruction (in modular format) with supervised ministry for the entire academic year.
Opportunities for ministry are diverse; internships may be completed in local churches and parachurch organizations.
Internships have been completed as assistant pastors, youth pastors, camp directors, missionaries, assistant deans, counsellors, etc. Students have ministered to adults, young people, and children.
In order to receive the Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies degree, you must:
have earned a BBS degree (or equivalent from another college) with a GPA of at least 2.5.
successfully complete a minimum of 14 academic credits in the B.A. program with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
successfully complete 18 ministry credits in the specific area of ministry.
settle any outstanding financial obligations with the college. Transcripts and degrees will be withheld until all accounts are paid.