Master of Biblical Studies Graduate Program

further equipping church and ministry leaders to handle the word of truth in the context of practical ministry

What is the Graduate Program?

  • Intentionally Equipping

    Intentionally developed to be affordable, making a Master’s-level degree attainable without having to face significant financial strain.

  • Church and Ministry Leaders

    Based upon sound theological teaching which is committed to deepening the student’s knowledge of the Bible.

  • To handle the truth

    Focused upon ensuring that students become better equipped to serve and lead in their respective ministries.

The Master of Biblical Studies Graduate Program is designed for those with an undergraduate degree, which includes a minimum of 30 credit hours in the areas of Bible and Theology, and who are actively involved in ministry (e.g. pastoring, missions, or para-church ministry).

The Master of Biblical Studies is a 3-year, 60 credit hour program. Students who wish to complete their degree in three years will be required to attend three weeks of on-site modular classes annually. The modular classes are held in January (one week) and In June (two weeks). In addition to the modular classes, the Graduate Program includes an integrated mentoring component that runs year-round and a major independent project specific to the student’s ministry context.

June 2025 classes schedule in Pambrun are:

June 2-6, 2025, B5252 OT Historical Books - Chronicles (AM) with Dustin Burlet (audit available)

June 2-6, 2025, M5912 Issues in Global Ministry (PM) with Daryl Kroeker 

June 9-13, 2025, T5012 Theology I (AM) with Bruce Ware (audit available)

June 9-13, 2025, M5422 Congregational Care (PM) with Paul Little

The Graduate Program is not accepting applications from those who reside outside of Canada or the United States of America.

  • Student Information

    See if Millar’s Graduate Program is right for you, including FAQs about qualifications, finances, scheduling, and courses.

  • Ministry Mentoring

    The Ministry Mentoring Program is intended to help the student mature in their ministry activity.

  • Character Mentoring

    The Character Mentoring Program is intended to help the student mature in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


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