Coming to our Pambrun Campus?

Important Dates 2025 - 2026

Dates are subject to change. Please confirm with the college before booking travel plans.

Fall Semester 2025

Upperclassmen Arrive: Sept. 4

Freshmen Arrive: Sept. 5

Registration: Sept. 5-6

Opening Sunday: Sept. 7

First Day of Classes: Sept. 8

Youth Edge: Oct. 17-19

Semester Break: Oct. 20-26

Modular Courses: Oct. 27-31

Last Day of the Semester: Dec. 17

Christmas Holidays: Dec. 18 - Jan. 3

Winter Semester 2026

Arrive Back on Campus: Jan. 4

First Day of Classes: Jan. 5

Missions Conference: Jan. 16 -18

Semester Break: Feb. 14-22

Modular Courses: Feb. 23-27

Last Day of the Semester: April 18

Winter Semester 2025

Arrive Back on Campus: Jan. 5

First Day of Classes: Jan. 6

Missions Conference: Jan. 17 -19

Semester Break: Feb. 15-23

Modular Courses: Feb. 24-28

Last Day of the Semester: April 19

2025 Orientation Dates

Thursday, September 4, 2025

Upperclassmen will be arriving between 1 and 5 pm. Supper is at 5 pm in the dining hall.

Friday, September 5, 2025

Plan to arrive on campus between 1 and 4 pm. Upon your arrival, you will be directed to your residence where you will be welcomed as you move in.

Orientation and light supper (parents only) – 4:00 pm

Campus tour (freshmen and parents) — 4:45 pm

Supper for all students– 6 pm

Saturday, September 6, 2025

Today will give you the opportunity to meet your classmates, meet the staff and faculty, and register for classes.

Sunday, September 7, 2025

A church service for students and staff will be held at 10 am in the student chapel.

Monday, September 8, 2025

Welcome to your first day of classes!

New Student FAQs

What should I bring to Millar?

bath & hand towels

bedding (single beds)

personal hygiene items

musical instruments

garbage can

clothes hangers

sticky tack (white)

general school supplies

cold and headache medication

provincial health card

band-aids, tensors, ice packs

computer, printer, paper, ink (or a printer is available to use in the library for a small fee)

small whiteboard

high-efficiency (HE) laundry detergent, basket, dryer sheets

sports equipment, clothing, and shoes

Which Bible should I bring?

You will need one basic Bible for study purposes – NKJV, NASB, ESV, or NIV are recommended. Feel free to bring any other Bibles as additional resources. If you bring only one Bible please avoid paraphrases (e.g. The Message, Living Bible, Amplified).

How much storage do I have?

We have limited space – please don’t bring things that will just live in storage. We have places designated for the storage of your moving totes, suitcases, and sleeping bags. Bikes and hockey gear will be stored in unheated facilities for winter. Your room has a bed, closet, desk, chair, and cupboards. Student Residences offer laundry facilities, kitchens, and lounges.

What is dorm life like?

Apart from mature or married students, everyone lives on campus. You will have one roommate, and nine to eleven students in the same “hall”. Your hall members and leaders will likely be some of the first people you will get to know—through weekly meetings, study-break chats, and of course, late-night ramen noodles. Living in residence provides an opportunity to build relationships, create accountability, pray, encourage one another, and have fun.

What if I need to see a doctor?

The Vanguard Health Centre is located 11 km east of Millar and is a great option if you need to make appointments or have your prescriptions refilled. The closest walk-in and emergency room are located in Swift Current, 60 km northwest of Millar. Bring your health card (not just the number) with you for the year.

Where will I go to church?

At the beginning of the year, you will fill in a form asking you about the church you grew up in, or what kind of church you would gravitate to if you were out on your own in a new city (urban or rural, large or small). Based on that form, you will be placed in a local church with the expectation of attending weekly and getting involved in any way you are able. This is called your Field Education—putting to practice what you are learning in class.

Will I have a mentor?

As a core value, mentoring is vital in your college experience. Each student is connected with a mentor with whom they meet once a week. A mentor is a listening ear, a prayer partner, a new or different perspective, an accountability partner, and a friend. Freshmen are connected with an upperclassman, and upperclassmen are connected with staff or mature community members.

What is winter Travel like?

There will be times in the winter when the college advises students to avoid travel. Road conditions and weather can change with little warning, so if you’re planning on driving in the winter, invest in winter tires. Keep blankets, boots, a shovel, food and water in your vehicle in case you need to wait out the weather.

Financial Information

  • Semester Fees

    The basic fees for a dorm student for each semester are as follows:

    Tuition: $4150.00

    Room & Board: $3,400.00

    Total: $7,550.00 (Full year = $15,100.00)

    Textbooks, Music Lessons, and Athletics Fees are not included. Other fees not included:

    Dorm Room Damage Deposit: $200 (one-time, refundable)

    Special Menu: up to $100 per month

    Vehicle Parking with Plug-in: $50 (without Plug-in $10) per semester

    Please see page 15 of our 2025-26 Catalogue for more details, including our refund policy.

  • Student fees cover the majority of a student's cost to attend Millar, but a significant amount is graciously provided by donations from alumni and friends of the college.

    Fees are due at business registration at the beginning of each semester. Semester fees not paid by the last business day of the opening month will be charged a finance fee of $25. Additionally, a monthly overdue charge of 1% of the unpaid balance is charged on the last business day of each month thereafter.

    Payment can be made by e-Transfer, cheque, debit card, cash, or credit card. When semester fees are paid in full at the time of registration by e-Transfer, cheque, debit card or cash, we offer a $100 discount. E-Transfers can be sent to

  • Students applying for government student loans and grants are advised to apply as early as possible to avoid late charges on their account. Online applications are typically available in June but vary by province. Information is available at (search Student Aid). Significant government grants are made available to students from low to middle income families through this application process (grants do not have to be paid back, whereas loans do).

  • Entrance bursary applications can be downloaded from the Millar website and the application deadline is June 1st. Please see Page 6 of our 2025-26 Catalogue (accessible at for further information about Financial Assistance.